Grant Oliphant, the CEO of the Conrad Prebys Foundation shares an inspiring, insightful and hopeful vision for the future of San Diego. Grant has stepped into this role to carry on the philanthropic vision of the foundation’s namesake who left over One Billion dollars to invest in San Diego’s future.
Grant shares about the foundation’s priorities and casts a vision for how we can ALL play a role in San Diego’s future. Although we know and love San Diego to be “America’s Finest City,” it is also a “real community with real challenges”. According to Grant, this creates tremendous opportunity and the only way to address these challenges is to get everybody involved.
The upcoming Cause Conference San Diego on September 15th, which Grant is co-hosting, embodies this vision. The conference, sponsored by the Better Business Bureau and San Diego Business Journal, brings together for-profits, non-profits, social enterprises, B-Corp businesses, impact investors, and philanthropists who are all making San Diego a better place and have a curiosity for how we can do it even better.
The Conrad Prebys Foundation’s vision is to see a healthy and well San Diego where everyone has Opportunity, Purpose, and Belonging. They believe that by creating a model of how to do this in San Diego, it can be replicated across the nation.
If you’re curious about the Cause Conference and how to be involved click here, we hope to see you there!
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