Matt Fehling, the President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) serving the Pacific Southwest, joins the podcast to share how he is going about leading change. The iconic BBB, built over a hundred years ago with the higher purpose of “doing the right thing,” is a great and profitable business model. However, what do you do when your board of directors says, “So what?” That’s all that Matt needed to hear. As CEO, he took that core purpose and courageously built upon it to convey what it could mean to the BBB members and the community that they serve. What if, instead of just regulating and resolving issues, the BBB could take an active role in building trust by “physically” connecting the community around this common ethos and providing the education to help businesses run better?
If you think you know what the BBB does, then, like me, you are in for a big surprise. From creating community space to running amazing educational programs, the BBB is finding new and creative ways to build bigger and better businesses that we can all trust.
In this episode:
- Learn Matt’s backstory of learning, leadership, and change management.
- How to successfully build upon an established purpose and mission.
- Understand how the tenets of Conscious Capitalism have come alive to create a bigger impact in the work that the Better Business Bureau is doing.
Learn more and how to connect: Better Business Bureau San Diego