Saundra Pelletier is a maverick for a more expansive view on business leadership and women’s health. As the CEO of Evofem Biosciences, Inc., Saundra is opening the minds of other business leaders to think bigger about all the possibilities of how they can expand the potential and positive impact businesses can have on the world.
Science with a Soul – Saundra offers unique insights on how to connect the best from profit and non-profit business models to lead her team to grow the bottom line and deliver sensational results for every stakeholder.
“Not your mother’s contraception” – Evofem’s product Phexxi is revolutionizing women’s health with a hormone free contraception that can be used on demand. Women’s health continues to be an area that is underdeveloped and underinvested and Saundra’s company is at the forefront of helping women around the globe with a new choice for their reproductive care.
Cause Conference – Saundra will be a featured speaker at the Cause Conference 2022 in San Diego on September 15th. The Cause Conference is all about connecting business leaders that are addressing the biggest challenges facing our city. This annual gathering is the launch point for collaboration between for-profits, non-profits, social enterprises, B-Corp businesses, impact investors, and philanthropists who are all making San Diego a better place to live, work and play. We hope to see you there.
Conscious Curiosity SD host Jeff Blanton will be leading a panel at the cause conference on The Skeptic: Why Business Leaders Need to Move Beyond Profit. Register here today and come and be inspired!
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