Del Lewis is the owner of TriClare Business Holdings, leads a CEO peer group for The CEO University and is the President of Conscious Capitalist San Diego. Del is also a VENTUREPRENEUR!
Del is a person you just need to spend time with. Based on his very vast experience from being a graduate of the US Merchant Academy, a broad spectrum of positions as a banker in New York City, to an entrepreneur with multiple companies to his credit, he brings a different and very thoughtful view and insight to our world of business.
Del’s answers are always surprising. They are always a level or two deeper than what you expect, and clearly do not follow mainstream thinking. In this podcast ,we explore the journey that has brought him to become a “VENTUREPRENEUR”, the key issues behind what make leaders and companies successful, and a deep dive on the concepts and tenets of Conscious Capitalism and what the movement means to all of us here in San Diego.
If you are tired pf hearing the same old answers to success and curious about what is really behind the behind of leadership, then you have found the right podcast.