Staci Reidinger spent 24 years in the Marine Corps and is now using her leadership and background in public relations as the Co-Executive Director of Cause San Diego. Staci shares her story of joining the Marine Corps at 17, and her experience in an organization that builds leadership, integrity, and determination. Staci is passionate about people and groups coming together to do more than we could ever do alone.
Cause San Diego embodies this passion and is laying the groundwork to create a movement that can be replicated in cities across the country. Too often, nonprofits and socially minded businesses operate in “silos of compassion” and miss out on opportunities to tap into the collective momentum that happens when like-minded people come together.
Coming off an amazing Cause Conference 2022, which brought together over 400 business, non-profit and education leaders, Stacie shares the exciting and impactful future for Cause San Diego.
Podcast Timestamps:
1:57 Staci’s Military History & Defining Moments
14:38 Cause San Diego: Cause Conference & Beyond
19:46 Sweet Spot of Cause & Stories of Collaboration
30:40 How to Get Involved
Links from Show:
Conscious Curiosity Cause Conference 2022 Podcast Jailbreak Leadership