Living Legacy with Sean Lake

Conscious Curiosity
Conscious Curiosity
Living Legacy with Sean Lake

Imagine receiving the devastating call that your best friend, a person who touched the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, has tragically died in a historic national tragedy. On this episode of Conscious Curiosity SD, Sean Lake, the CEO and co-founder of BUBS Naturals, shares the profound and inspiring story of Glen “BUB” Doherty, the extraordinary individual whose legacy lives on through BUBS Naturals.

BUBS is a health and wellness brand specializing in high-quality collagen protein and other supplements. Embedded in their business model is a commitment to give back, particularly to the veteran community, through initiatives that align with their mission. As a part of Naturally San Diego, they are committed to delivering the highest quality natural products. We are proud to have them as part of our San Diego community. 

Podcast Timestamps:

2:28 – The Backstory of Sean and Bub

8:38 – Creating a Legacy – The Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation

12:03 – Building the Business & Being the Best

18:15 – Giving Back from the Beginning

32:45 – The Naturally San Diego Network

Links from the Episode:

Sean Lake LinkedIn

BUBS Naturals

Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation

Naturally San Diego

SDSI – San Diego Sports Innovators

Jeff Blanton LinkedIn

Jailbreak Leadership

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